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Spring Term

Our topic this term is Existing, Endangered, Extinct

We have started looking at species adaptation, biomes and classification. 

To help us with this we have had a visit from ZooLab, who introduced us to some creatures and explored their unique features! 

Handling Creatures


In art we are working on our sketching skills, looking at the drawings of the creatures Darwin found on his trip around the world on the HMS Beagle. 

We are exploring Darwin's theories and life, finding out what evidence he found and how his ideas were recorded and received in the 1800's. 

Dance Workshop 

We invite West End in Schools to deliver dance workshops to the school, with a focus on global dance styles. We learnt moves from many different cultures and countries, putting them together to form one routine. We had great fun! 

World Book Day 2023 ~ On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin