Pupil Premium
The Government gives additional funding to schools for all children entitled to free school meals. This is called Pupil Premium. Each entitled pupil receives this for a minimum of 6 years.
We ensure that the money is spent wisely and that children who require additional help with their learning benefit from the additional funding.
- We have provided timetabled intervention groups every morning for children requiring additional support.
- We have run forest school type activities.
- We have employed learning support assistants for additional hours to support children.
- We have paid for eternal assessments.
- We have provided one to one support where needed.
- We have subsidized trips/clubs and will continue to do so this year. Our school values life experience and we recognize how much the children gain from these aids to their learning.
- Our SENDCo writes to parents of pupil premium children termly, comments upon their progress and invites them into school to discuss any concerns.
As with all children, the progress of Pupil Premium children is carefully monitored and any concerns are raised at Pupil Progress Meetings which are held each term. Every Pupil Premium child is discussed at every Pupil Progress Meeting.
Below are the strategies for how we plan to spend our pupil premium funding.