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In line with legislation, the Governing Body of this school consulted over their admissions arrangements for First Time Admissions (referred to as the "Normal" Admissions Round) and Admissions during the Academic Year (referred to as "In-Year" Admissions) affecting admissions from September 2017.  The consultation period ran for a period of six weeks from 11th December 2015 to 22nd January 2016.  Four responses were received and considered by the Admissions sub-committee of the Governing Body.

The Governing Body of this school reviewed its admissions arrangements for the 2019/2020 Academic year at a meeting on 7th December 2017.  There were no amendments made that required a consultation.  The arrangements that affect admissions from September 2019 together with arrangements affecting admissions prior to September 2018 can be downloaded by clicking on the link below, from the school office, or via e-mail request to

The Governing Body of this school reviewed its admissions arrangements for the 2020/2021 Academic year at a meeting on 13th December 2018.  There were no amendments made that required a consultation.  The arrangements that affect admissions from September 2020 together with arrangements affecting admissions prior to September 2019 can be downloaded by clicking on the link below, from the school office, or via e-mail request to

The Governing Body of this school reviewed its admissions arrangements for the 2021/2022 Academic year at a meeting on 5th December 2019.  There were no amendments made that required a consultation.  The arrangements that affect admissions from September 2021 together with arrangements affecting admissions prior to September 2020 can be downloaded by clicking on the link below, from the school office, or via email request to

The Governing Body of this school reviewed its admissions arrangements for the 2022/2023 Academic year at a meeting on 10th December 2020.  There were no amendments made that required a consultation.  The arrangements that affect admissions from September 2022 together with arrangements affecting admissions prior to September 2021 can be downloaded by clicking on the link below, from the school office, or via email request to

In line with legislation, the Governing Body of this school consulted over their admissions arrangements for First Time Admissions (referred to as the "Normal" Admissions round) and Admissions during the Academic Year (referred to as "In-Year" Admissions) affecting admissions from September 2023.  The consultation period ran for a period of six weeks from 17th December 2021 to 27th January 2022.  No responses or objections were received.  The arrangements that affect admissions from September 2023 together with arrangements affecting admissions prior to this can be downloaded by clicking on the link below, from the school office, or via e-mail request to

The new School Admissions Code came into effect on 1st September 2021.  On reviewing the mandatory requirements and statutory guidance within the code against our own determined admission arrangements it has been necessary to vary these in line with the 2021 Code to ensure compliance.  The alternative course of action would be to consult on changes in the usual way from October 2021 and any changes determined before 28th February 2022 would not be implemented in the admission arrangements governing entry until September 2023.  That approach would place us in Breach of the Code for a significant period. It was therefore agreed at a meeting of the full governing body on 23rd September 2021 that the statutory changes required would be made immediately.  These changes affect Admission Arrangements Academic Year September 2021 - August 2022 and September 2022 - August 2023 and In-Year Admissions.

At the same time, the glossary of terms has been amended, where necessary, to mirror the wording in the School Admissions Code 2021 to ensure consistency.

The Admissions Arrangements for 2024/2025 were considered and it was agreed at a full governing body meeting of 8th December 2022 that no changes to the existing arrangements were proposed.  The Admission Arrangements for the Academic Year September 2024 - August 2025 and In-Year Admissions were agreed, a copy is detailed below.

The Admissions Arrangements for 2025/2026 were considered and it was agreed at a full governing body meeting of 7th December 2023 that no changes to the existing arrangements were proposed.  The Admission Arrangements for the Academic Year September 2025 - August 2026 and In-Year Admissions were agreed, a copy is detailed below.


(D.O.B. 01/09/2019-31/08/2020).

If so, you need to apply for a school place before the closing date of 15th January 2024.

For further information you can view the "Starting School - A Guide For Parents" booklet and apply on line below or you can request a paper application from Somerset Direct on 0300 123 2224.

Please be aware, even if you currently have a sibling at this school, you MUST still make an application, failure to do so may result in your younger child not being offered a place at this school.

Outcome letters will be sent to parents, regarding applications for first admission to school, September 2024, by Somerset County Council, on our behalf on the common offer date of 16th April 2024. For your information, the allocation statement  for our school for September 2024 is below.

If you would like to be added to our mailing list to be informed of our Open Day arrangements, or to receive a prospectus, please complete and return the Admissions Enquiry Form below: